My name is Jerome

I am a front-end developer

Specialised in HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, React and React Native.

Ready to grow as a developer.

About me

I'm Jerome Emilien, a web developer from Madagascar focusing on front-end development.

I have spent three incredible years learning at Onja Madagascar, spending the first year on English and the rest was spent on learning to code.

Being an old hand at HTML, CSS, Javascript and React JS including React Native was the main goal during the last year.

I now really look forward to applying those skills in the real world and making a difference to others’ lives through code.


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React JS
Rest Countries

An application that was built with ReactJS and Typescript, which displays a list of countries with details from an API fetch.

A user is redirected to another page to see more details after clicking on a country item. They're also able to search for a country and filter countries by region.

ReactTypescriptStyled ComponentsRest API Context
React Native
Learn Malagasy and English App

I was in a team of three developers to build this LearnGasy application, it's a mobile react native application that helps to learn Malagasy and English.

There are around 1000 phrases from 42 categories. You can add your own custom phrases, track progress, focus on phrases that need revising.

This application can work completely offline.

React NativeRedux thunkStyled componentsAsync storageStorybook
React JS
Country quiz

This React application randomizes two types of questions - questions about the name of a given country or capital city and questions about their national flag.

When the user answer is incorrect, the next button will lead to the result score page which enables the user to try again. But when it is true, the next button will generate a new random question from the API.

ReactRest API ContextCSS3
Vanilla Javascript
Birthday App

In this project, I worked with HTML, CSS and JavaScript to create a birthday app. The main purpose of this project was to implement CRUD operations.

You can sort people according to the most recent birthdays and filter them by name.

Vanilla JavascriptCSS3
Front-end finals

This landing page was our final project in the front-end course. It was built with HTML, CSS, SASS and some vanilla JavaScript for scrolling images.

In this project, I did the best I could to make the HTML accessible, well structured and valid. In terms of styling, I followed a Figma design and made it responsive.


Get in Touch!

I am available for remote work or projects.

If you're interested in working with me, don't hesitate to contact.

Jerome Emilien